Abstract: This case study is about the leadership practices of a manager Raghav Singh who transformed his departmental work culture in less than one year. Developed a strong team called ‘Protons’ and delivered challenging projects with his team within timelines. The case study is based on the real-time incidents that happened with Raghav and his strategies to overcome these barriers at the workplace. His unique strategy of handling the team has helped to establish trust and psychological safety among them.
Learning objective
By the end of the case discussion, three main teaching objectives can be met.
- From an organizational behavior perspective, the case highlights issues in team formation, the role of personality traits in handling difficult times, and the impact of supportive work culture in achieving business goals.
- From a human resource management perspective, the case can highlight the talent mapping and placement strategy on how what, and why ‘fits’ suitable to a business.
- From a general management perspective, the case covers the manager’s role in aligning individual goals with organizational goals.

Pub Date:
29 Sep 2023


Human Resource Management,Operations Management


Leadership, Team management, Change, Strategy, Performance.

Pdf : 13 page(s) ,