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Industry Best Practice Case

“Titan Eye Plus Academy”- Creating Skilled Manpower to enable business leadership”

Titan Eye Plus Academy team( Submitted in AIMA's 8th Innovation Practitioners Case Study Contest and Summit, 04th December 2019)
Eye care in India, Titan industries, Trained human resource,optometrists

Today, poor vision, due to lack of access to eyeglasses, is one of the largest unaddressed disability in the world. In India alone, 450 million individuals are estimated to suffer this fate. Correction of refractive error through eyeglasses constitutes the health intervention with the largest bang for the buck.


 The commonest eye problems result from refractive error due to which the eye is unable to focus clearly on an object. The result is Myopia, Hypermetropia, and Astigmatism. Which can be easily corrected with the help of spectacles.

  • India is home to the world’s second-largest number of the blind population 
  • With 88.2% of blindness avoidable in India, it is important to provide a comprehensive ocular health examination alongside the refractive error services
  • 38% of the Indian population (456 million) need primary eye care intervention


            Major Challenges faced in the eye care sector in India are :


  • Highly unorganized sector. And eye care not considered a medical problem.
  • The dearth of skilled manpower especially the optometrists.
  • Access to standardized eyewear products across the country
  •  Human resources available in the sector are of poor quality and lacks scientific skills and training. i
  • High level of attrition in this category due to slow growth in the sector
  • Competitors poach trained staff.


In an industry that is largely unorganized, fragmented and doesn’t have any legalization or standardization of processes & policies, Titan chose the difficult path of setting standards by training and certifying the store staff to enhance Customer Experience. Will this initiative of training manpower in a niche segment and standardizing testing process be successful? Will the Titan eye plus academy sustain the slow growth sector? This case brings forth the major challenges and strategies adopted by Titan Eye Plus Academy.

  • Pub Date:
    21 Jul 2020
  • Source:
  • Discipline:
    Human Resource Management,Sales and Distribution Management
  • Product#:
  • Keywords:
    Eye care in India, Titan industries, Trained human resource,optometrists
  • Length:

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